About Me

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My name is Sarah and I’m a 27 year old Army wife and mother of 2 beautiful little girls.I am documenting my weight loss journey with the Lapband. I hope that this blog helps educate and inspire others.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week #1 Post Op

I would say that the recovery is almost as I had expected it to be. I was sore at first and less sore now. I did have an issue around day 5-7 where my port site began to burn like fire. It has been totally fine but I went to the park and walked a lot the day before and I think I over did it. I felt like it was tearing every time I moved. It did eventually go away. (Thank God)
At first I could hardly eat anything. I would have a spoonful of something and be full or just a taste and felt full right away. That went away pretty quickly though and by about day 4 I was hungry. I wanted to eat, eat, eat. I drank my protein shakes and soups and things but was still super hungry. I eventually advanced to some soupy great northern beans, which were great and high in protein too. I ate that several times during the last half of week 1.
I’m already worried about eating too much again. I can’t wait to get a fill so I don’t have this hungry feeling all the time. It is really unbearable. If I had the strength to resist it, I would have done so long before surgery.
Well… good news I guess. I of course want it to be more… you always want it to be more right?
Surgery Day: 244
Post Op Appointment: 239

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