About Me

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My name is Sarah and I’m a 27 year old Army wife and mother of 2 beautiful little girls.I am documenting my weight loss journey with the Lapband. I hope that this blog helps educate and inspire others.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pre-Op Diet Day #7

3/19/201210:30 AMPremier Protein1 Can1603053
3/19/20122:50 PMAtkins Shake1 Can1601529
3/19/20128:20 PMBaked Salmon6 oz2814509.5
Thoughts on the day:
I did not sleep well last night. I tossed and turned because I was hungry. Yesterday was extremely difficult and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm really going to be able to go another week with no food. I really wish there was something on this diet that was a substance. I feel like I'm just drinking everything and I never feel full. Its awful and painful and depressing. I'm feeling really bad about the whole diet today and feel extremely discouraged. I did okay for most of the day. I was extremely busy and tried to keep my mind off of food. I had hungry pains most of the day. I tried to drink my protein shakes, however they didn't help at all. I drank all my water which was good but I was still so hungry. I made a choice to have some salmon. I know it was not part of the diet and I feel guilty. I also feel much, much better. I have been very moody and short with my children today. I even took one of my anxiety pills today, which I have not needed in over a month. I feel like I made a wise choice in my food selection although it was off the diet. I want to talk to the dietitian about how I'm feeling over the diet. 

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