About Me

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My name is Sarah and I’m a 27 year old Army wife and mother of 2 beautiful little girls.I am documenting my weight loss journey with the Lapband. I hope that this blog helps educate and inspire others.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I would walk 20 miles…

So yesterday I had a great accomplishment, I walked 20 miles. No that is not a typo… I really walked 20 miles. My husband and I went for our normal 4.5 mile walk but when we got there we decided to go on the opposite side of the trail. We started walking and my husband said that we could go as far as I wanted but that to remember we had to walk back just as far. So we started walking and didn’t stop until we reached the end of the trail which took us into downtown Columbus. I thought I was going to die but we had some lunch at a deli and got the kids resituated (oh yes… we brought out 1 and 2 year olds along in the stroller) Then we turned around and headed back. I knew that once I turned around there was no going back. I thought I was going to pass out at one point and I nearly cried towards the end because my legs were hurting so bad… but I made it. It was amazing and I feel so good about myself. My husband, who is in the Army, was even worn out. He told me that he didn’t think I would go 10 miles much less 20 and that he was so impressed and proud. I have been stuck in a weight rut lately hanging around 232lbs. I weighed in this morning at 228lbs. I don’t know if that will stick but for now I’m happy with it. I haven’t been in the 220’s in a long time. I’m slowly working my way to ONEderland. 2-teens here I come! Don’t let anyone ever tell you that getting a lap band is the easy way out. I have to work hard at it ever single day. Hope to update you soon with some better numbers!

Friday, May 11, 2012

1st Fill!

Okay so it’s been a while since my last update. My weight has been all over the place the last two weeks. I got down to 232lbs and then shot back up to 239lbs. As of this morning I’m back at 232lbs. I had my first fill two days ago. They initially gave me 4ccs in my 10cc band but I was not able to swallow water so my doctor took out 1cc, so currently I’m at 3ccs. I can tell a difference but it’s not as severe as I thought it was going to be. I have been on liquids since then and restart solids tomorrow. Honestly though I have been doing mushy stuff more than liquids. I had some refried beans, some soup, and of course my protein shakes. I started serious exercise last week. I have been doing a little here and there but when my weight started climbing again I knew that I needed to get it together. I have been walking/running 2-5 miles almost every day. During the week I try to get 3 miles in on the treadmill. I’m still moving pretty slow though and it takes me about an hour to do it, but I can tell I am pushing myself because I always feel like I’m going to die when I’m done. On the weekends or days my husband is off we have been walking on a trail on base. It’s about 2.25 one way, so we end up about 4.5 miles by the time we are done. I feel really good about it. I know that I’m doing something good for my health so it keeps me motivated. I hope next time I have some weight loss to report!