About Me

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My name is Sarah and I’m a 27 year old Army wife and mother of 2 beautiful little girls.I am documenting my weight loss journey with the Lapband. I hope that this blog helps educate and inspire others.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Two Weeks Post Op

Overall I am feeling great. I still have some soreness in my side where my port site is, it seems to get worse with the more I push myself but I guess that is just the muscle healing.
I bought a new scale today. I may have mentioned that the one I had was a piece of junk. The last weigh in on the old scale said 231, the first weigh in on the new scale said 233. I’m just glad that I will have an accurate reading going forward. Based on my new scale I have lost 11 pounds since surgery, 24 pounds since my pre-op diet and 30 pounds since I started on my journey. I’m really happy with that. I don’t feel like I have lost 30 pounds but I can tell there is some difference when I look at pictures. I have another 73 pounds to go before I reach my goal weight of 160 and I feel motivated. 30 pounds down without even getting one fill. Pretty awesome!
I have been struggling some with eating but I have really been trying to branch out and try new things. I have also been journaling… EVERYTHING!! This is so important, at least for me. I have total accountability when I journal everything. I have not gone over 1200 calories at all, and most days I’m below 1000. If I didn’t write it all down I wouldn’t have any idea what I was eating. I have also been doing LOTS of measuring. Learning portion sizes is enlightening. I had no idea what the portion sizes were on so many things. A have also become crazy at reading labels. Sometimes what you think is healthier may have more calories than the regular version. (Example: I found corn tortillas have almost exactly the same nutritional content as flour tortillas, so why not eat the one I like if it’s the same?)
Water, water, and then have some water:
 I have had a challenge getting my water in but I have a cup that is 16oz. and every time I finish a cup, I journal it. As the evening approaches if I don’t have 4 checkmarks by my water I know I need to pick up the pace.
Well I have been off my Blood Pressure medication since the day before surgery (Woot Woot!). It’s amazing how fast your body reacts to diet changes. I have been taking my multi vitamin once a day and my calcium three times a day. I keep track of that in my journal too. I have a protein shake everyday for breakfast. I didn’t eat breakfast before the surgery so this was not a difficult transition for me. I add fiber into my shake in the mornings, the flavorless kind. I also check this off in my journal so that I don’t forget. 


  1. Hey I have a question - Are you tracking your personal measurements? Comparison from your waist/legs/arm size then to now?

  2. No I am not, but I should be! I will start tracking them and post the results!!
